Query Task Details

Query task details.
Request Parameters
Parameters Description Required Required
current Current page number, 1-N Yes Integer
size Number of displays per page,1-100 Yes Integer
params Paging parameters Yes JSONObject
taskId task Id Yes Integer
called Called number No String
sipGroupId Agent group ID No Integer
seatId Agent id No List<Integer>
labelNames Label No List<String>
remark remark No String
statusList Status: 1-Call in progress, 5 not called, 7-call abnormal, 9-called No List<Integer>
Request Sample
Request URL:
Request Method:
Request Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
    Timestamp: 1630468800
    Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Request Body:
        "taskId": 123
Response Parameters
Parameters Description Required
status status code,0 is successful. For other failures, please refer to the interface response code String
reason Failure reason description String
data Data collection JSONArray
total Total number of records Integer
size Number of displays per page Integer
current Current page number Integer
pages Total page number Integer
records Data collection JSONArray
keyId Task id Integer
encryptCalled Called String
seatName Agent name Long
sipGroupName Agent group String
labelName Tag name String
remark Remark String
callId Voice id Integer
errorReason Error description String
status State Integer
callCount Completion rate Double
var01 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var02 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var03 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var04 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var05 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var06 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var07 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var08 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var09 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var10 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var11 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var12 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var13 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var14 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var15 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var16 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var17 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var18 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var19 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
var20 Variable (corresponding to the query dynamic header interface) String
Response Sample
    "status": 0,
    "reason": "success",
    "data": {
        "total": 1,
        "size": 50,
        "current": 1,
        "searchCount": true,
        "pages": 1,
        "records": [
                "keyId": 91020,
                "called": "9113242926515",
                "encryptCalled": "9113242926515",
                "calledInfo": null,
                "seatName": null,
                "sipGroupName": null,
                "labelName": null,
                "remark": null,
                "callId": null,
                "errorReason": null,
                "status": 5,
                "callCount": 0,
                "var01": "1111",
                "var02": "2222",
                "var03": "3333",
                "var04": null,
                "var05": null,
                "var06": null,
                "var07": null,
                "var08": null,
                "var09": null,
                "var10": null,
                "var11": null,
                "var12": null,
                "var13": null,
                "var14": null,
                "var15": null,
                "var16": null,
                "var17": null,
                "var18": null,
                "var19": null,
                "var20": null
Response Status Code
status Description
0 Success
-1 Authentication error
-2 Authentication error
-16 Timestamp expires
-18 Port program unusual
-20 Data existing
-22 Parameter exception
-23 Data caps