Number Display Name Review Status Report Push
The callback address provided by the customer to display the name change status to the customer callback number.
Parameters | Description | Type |
appId | Application id | String |
wabaId | WABA Id | String |
field | Event type: phone_number_name_update | String |
decision | Event name: APPROVED, REJECTED | String |
displayPhoneNumber | Phone number | String |
requestedVerifiedName | Requested verified name | String |
rejectionReason | Rejection reason | String |
"appId": "PaWWDNc7",
"wabaId": "126627963872225",
"field": "phone_number_name_update",
"requestedVerifiedName": "TelecomMsg Otp",
"rejectionReason": "GAMBLING",
"displayPhoneNumber": "8613487382260",
"decision": "APPROVED"
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