status |
Description |
0 |
success |
-1 |
Authentication error |
-2 |
Incorrect template status |
-3 |
The customer's balance is insufficient |
-4 |
Timestamp expires |
-5 |
System exception ! |
-6 |
Restricted IP access |
-7 |
json parse exception, plase check you param's type and json format |
-8 |
Abnormal parameter verification |
-9 |
Customer information import failed |
-10 |
Application does not exist |
-11 |
The application name already exists |
-12 |
Network exception or parameter error |
-14 |
Account not authenticated |
-15 |
Application not quoted |
-16 |
the same name template is deleted and cannot be used again within one month |
-17 |
Exceed import limit, Max. 100 entries |
-18 |
The fileId cannot be blank |
-19 |
The fileId cannot be blank |
-20 |
The fileId has expired or be blank |
-21 |
The header message is too long. |
-23 |
Button type cannot be empty |
-24 |
The quantity of buttons are too many |
-25 |
There can only be one Phone Call button. |
-26 |
There can only be one Visit website button. |
-27 |
There can only be one variable for Visit Website. |
-28 |
The website URL variable example cannot be empty. |
-29 |
The phone number and international area code cannot be empty. |
-31 |
The content of the button is too long. |
-32 |
The current templateName and language already exist |
-33 |
The elementName format is incorrect. |
-34 |
Template content cannot have continuous variables |
-35 |
The body part and url part couldn’t exist variable at the same time. |
-36 |
The number of variables in the template content does not match the number of examples. |
-37 |
Error creating template |
-38 |
It is failed to delete the template,current template was not found. |
-39 |
It is failed to delete the template. |
-40 |
Example file too large |
-41 |
Incorrect example file type |
-42 |
The filename cannot be less than 3 characters in length. |
-43 |
Error uploading example file |
-44 |
Failed to send template message,currently approved template language was not found. |
-45 |
Error sending template message, link cannot be empty |
-47 |
Failed to send template message, link is wrong |
-48 |
Failed to send template message, the number of dynamic URL variables is wrong |
-50 |
The text cannot be empty while sending a message. |
-52 |
The URL cannot be empty. |
-68 |
Insufficient balance |
-69 |
The rate does not exist |
-70 |
The recipient number is too long |
-71 |
The recipient number is too short |
-72 |
The recipient number format is incorrect. It must be a number |
-73 |
Please select the correct channelType |
-74 |
The languageCode format err |
-75 |
The template type does not match the existing type. |
-76 |
Please enter the correct type |
-77 |
Please enter the correct format PhoneNumber and areaCode |
-78 |
Please enter the correct language |
-79 |
Please enter the correct of button |
-80 |
Please enter the correct format URL |
-82 |
The bodyExample is too long |
-83 |
Please enter the correct format params |
-84 |
The text cannot be empty |
-86 |
Template body type cannot be null |
-87 |
Template footer type cannot be null |
-88 |
Template footer text is too long |
-89 |
Template component cannot be null |
-90 |
The header cannot have continuous variables |
-91 |
The number of variables in the header text does not match the number of examples. or The number of variables in the header text can not greater than one |
-92 |
The text length cannot be greater than 25 |
-93 |
The businessPhone number is too long |
-94 |
The businessPhone number is too short |
-95 |
The businessPhone number format is incorrect. It must be a number |
-96 |
Business number does not exist |
-97 |
Business number status is abnormal |
-99 |
The channelType error ! |
-100 |
header format cannot be empty case type is text |
-101 |
Please enter the correct format value |
-102 |
Please enter the correct of button type, only OTP is supported(type:3) |
-103 |
Body text not be null when type not 0 (AUTHENTICATION) |
-104 |
The body add security recommendation param error |
-105 |
Template footer text length cannot more than 60 |
-106 |
code_expiration_minutes must be lower or equal to 90 |
-107 |
This app have not app alias! |
-108 |
Button otp_type cannot be empty |
-109 |
when template type is 0 (AUTHENTICATION), buttons cannot be empty |
-110 |
The body number of variables requested does not match the template definition. Please check the variable settings in the template |
-111 |
he header number of variables requested does not match the template definition. Please check the variable settings in the template |
-112 |
The channelType only can be 0 in param |
-114 |
Required for text parameter |
-115 |
Required for body parameter |
-116 |
Required for image parameter |
-117 |
Required for link parameter |
-118 |
Required for audio parameter |
-119 |
Required for link parameter |
-120 |
Required for video parameter |
-121 |
Required for link parameter |
-122 |
Required for sticker parameter |
-123 |
Required for link parameter |
-124 |
Required for document parameter |
-125 |
Required for link parameter |
-127 |
Required for location parameter |
-128 |
Required for longitude parameter |
-129 |
Required for latitude parameter |
-130 |
Required for interactive parameter |
-131 |
Required for contacts parameter |
-132 |
Unknown message type |
-133 |
The link format is incorrect |
-134 |
The param of parameters type error |
-135 |
Required for variable parameters |
-136 |
The template cannot be repeat created |
-137 |
The header example value is not be null |
-138 |
The body example value is not be null |
-141 |
Template resource upload error |
-142 |
Set business phone profile error |
-143 |
appId no matcher business phone error |
-144 |
Only support file type for pdf, jpeg, jpg, png, mp4 |
-145 |
The url cannot be empty |
-146 |
The header format value error |
-147 |
The url type button cannot more than 2 |
-148 |
The call phone type button cannot more than 1 |
-149 |
The button sum cannot more than 10 |
-150 |
The button combination is invalid, please adjust the button position |
-151 |
The ONE_TAP need column autofill_text cannot be empty |
-152 |
Required for param sub_type |
-153 |
type or payload params cannot be empty |
-154 |
type or url params cannot be empty |
-155 |
component.type param cannot be empty |
-156 |
component.type must be one of the types header, body, footer, button |
-157 |
type is header for parameters.type must be one of the types text, image, video, document |
-158 |
category value in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17) |
-159 |
Interactive message action cannot be empty |
-160 |
Interactive message sections.rows cannot be empty |
-161 |
Interactive message sections.title cannot be empty |
-162 |
Interactive message cannot be empty |
-163 |
Interactive message sections.rows.title cannot be empty |
-164 |
Interactive message action.sections max 10 |
-165 |
interactive message type must be one of the types list, button |
-166 |
Interactive message sections.title cannot more than 24 characters |
-167 |
Interactive message cannot more than 200 characters |
-168 |
Interactive message sections.rows.title cannot more than 24 characters |
-169 |
Interactive message sections.rows.description cannot more than 72 characters |
-170 |
Interactive message action.button cannot be empty |
-171 |
Interactive message action.button cannot more than 20 characters |
-172 |
Interactive message interactive.body or interactive.body.text both cannot be empty |
-173 |
The ONE_TAP type package_name and signature_hash both cannot be empty |
-174 |
Interactive message interactive.header.text cannot more than 60 characters |
-175 |
Interactive message interactive.body.text cannot more than 1024 characters |
-176 |
Interactive message interactive.footer.text cannot more than 60 characters |
-177 |
Interactive message interactive.header.text cannot be empty |
-178 |
Interactive message interactive.body.text cannot cannot be empty |
-179 |
Interactive message interactive.footer.text cannot cannot be empty |
-180 |
Interactive message action.sections cannot be empty |
-181 |
Interactive message header.type error |
-182 |
Contacts message or formatted_name cannot be empty |
-183 |
Contacts message contacts.birthday format error |
-184 |
Template message image cannot be empty |
-185 |
Template message video cannot be empty |
-186 |
Template message document cannot be empty |
-187 |
Template message image link not null or format error |
-188 |
Template message video link not null or format error |
-189 |
Template message document not null or link format error |
-190 |
Contacts message name.first_name or name.last_name least one cannot be empty |
-191 |
Interactive message buttons.type cannot be empty or must is reply |
-192 |
Interactive message buttons cannot be empty |
-193 |
Interactive message buttons you can have up to 3 |
-194 |
Interactive message buttons.reply cannot be empty |
-195 |
Interactive message cannot be empty |
-196 |
Interactive message buttons.reply.title cannot be empty |
-197 |
Interactive message cannot more than 256 characters |
-198 |
Interactive message buttons.reply.title cannot more than 20 characters |
-199 |
Interactive message buttons.reply.title cannot repeat |
-200 |
The url no variable, example must be empty |
-201 |
Button template message sub_type format error |
-202 |
Button template message parameters.type format error |
-203 |
Button template message index cannot be empty |
-204 |
The maximum image size cannot exceed 5M |
-205 |
The maximum video size cannot exceed 10M |
-206 |
The maximum document size cannot exceed 5M |
-207 |
Template message button index need positive number |
-208 |
WorkSpace is disabled |
-209 |
API Key is disabled |
-210 |
IP is not in the whitelist |
-211 |
API Key does not have permission to access the current application |
-212 |
Waba status abnormal |
-213 |
The phone number have registered |
-214 |
Waba no available phone number or phone number error |
-215 |
Interface call exceeded limit |
-216 |
The phone number is too long |
-217 |
The phone number is too short |
-218 |
The phone number format is incorrect. It must be a number |
-219 |
The requestInfo format is incorrect or exceeding 20 lengths |
-220 |
Phone number not exist |
-221 |
Unable to send verification code, please try again later. |
-222 |
The phone number is disconnected. Please check the number or try another verification method. |
-223 |
Number check error |
-224 |
The verification code is invalid. You are advised to obtain a new verification code. |
-225 |
Waba does not exist |
-226 |
The appName is 4 to 32 characters long |
-227 |
The number has been verified |
-228 |
The verification code is invalid. Please try again later. |
-229 |
The type must be 0 and 1 |
-230 |
You sent too many verification codes, please try again later. |
-231 |
You have entered too many invalid verification codes. Please try again later. |
-231 |
You have entered too many invalid verification codes. Please try again later. |
-232 |
Request timed out, please try again later |
-233 |
Template message location cannot be empty |
-234 |
Template message location.address cannot be empty |
-235 |
Interactive location request message cannot be empty and value must is send_location |
-236 |
Template message location.longitude cannot be empty |
-237 |
Template message location.latitude cannot be empty |
-238 |
Template message cannot be empty |
-239 |
The link cannot exceed 512 characters |