Query Message Template
Parameters | Description | Required | Type |
appId | Application id | Yes | String |
templateId | Template id | No | String |
languageCode | Template language, see Country Enumeration for details | No | String |
Request URL:
Request Method:
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
Timestamp: 1630468800
Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Request Body:
Parameters | Description | Type |
status | Status code, 0 is successful, other failures refer to the interface response code | String |
reason | Reason | String |
data | Send result | Object |
appId | Application id | String |
templateId | Template id | String |
templateName | Template name | String |
templateCategory | Template type: 0-AUTHENTICATION (authentication); 1-MARKETING (marketing); 2-UTILITY (transaction class) | Integer |
templateLanList | Template list, which contains a variety of different language templates | List |
status | Template status: PENDING (under review), REJECTED (not passed the review), APPROVED (passed the review), DELETED (deleted), DISABLED (disabled),PENDING_DELETION (pending deletion), IN_APPEAL (appeal filed), PAUSED (temporarily suspended), LIMIT_EXCEEDED (limit exceeded), FLAGGED (planned to be disabled), REINSTATED (reinstated) | String |
reason | Denial Reason | String |
footer | Footer content | String |
language | Object | |
code | Language code | String |
nameEn | English description | String |
nameCn | Chinese description | String |
header | Object | |
type | Header type, 0-TEXT | Integer |
text | When format=1, it is the text content of the header | String |
example | Header variable example | Array |
body | Object | |
type | Body body type, 0-TEXT | String |
text | Text content | String |
exampleParams | Corresponding variable array | Array |
buttons | Object | |
type | Button type: 3-OTP (optional when the template type is authentication) currently only supports otp type, default 3 | Integer |
text | Content | String |
otp_type | Indicates the button type, type is 3 required, verification code button type: copyCode (copy verification code), if you want the template to use the copy verification code button, please set this placeholder to "COPY_CODE" | String |
status | Description |
0 | success |
-1 | Authentication error |
-2 | Incorrect template status |
-4 | Timestamp expires |
-5 | System exception ! |
-6 | Restricted IP access |
-7 | json parse exception, plase check you param's type and json format |
-8 | Abnormal parameter verification |
-10 | Application does not exist |
-11 | The application name already exists |
-12 | Network exception or parameter error |
-14 | Account not authenticated |
package com.itniotech.api.demo.im;
import cn.hutool.core.map.MapUtil;
import cn.hutool.crypto.SecureUtil;
import cn.hutool.http.Header;
import cn.hutool.http.HttpRequest;
import cn.hutool.http.HttpResponse;
import cn.hutool.json.JSONObject;
import cn.hutool.json.JSONUtil;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
private static void queryTemplateInfo() {
final String baseUrl = "https://api.itniotech.com/wa/";
final String apiKey = "your api key";
final String apiPwd = "your api secret";
final String appId = "your appid";
final String templateId = "template id"; //the template id
final String url = baseUrl.concat("template/query");
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.post(url);
final String datetime = String.valueOf(LocalDateTime.now().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant().getEpochSecond());
final String sign = SecureUtil.md5(apiKey.concat(apiPwd).concat(datetime));
request.header(Header.CONNECTION, "Keep-Alive")
.header(Header.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json;charset=UTF-8")
.header("Sign", sign)
.header("Timestamp", datetime)
.header("Api-Key", apiKey);
String body = JSONUtil.createObj()
.set("appId", appId)
.set("templateId", templateId)
HttpResponse response = request.body(body).execute();
if (response.isOk()) {
String result = response.body();
$apiKey = "your api key";
$apiSecret = "your api secret";
$appId = "your appid";
$timeStamp = time();
$sign = md5($apiKey.$apiSecret.$timeStamp);
$headers = array('Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8',"Sign:$sign","Timestamp:$timeStamp","Api-Key:$apiKey");
$url = "https://api.itniotech.com/wa/template/query";
$dataArr["appId"] = $appId;
$dataArr["templateId"] = "template id";
$data = json_encode($dataArr);
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 600);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$headers);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS , $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
$output = curl_exec($ch);
"status": "0",
"reason": "success",
"data": [
"appId": "xJdRmKR3ff",
"templateId": "3654e6b0218548a3ae20e4f9db7f5a4d",
"templateName": "discount_promotion",
"templateCategory": 1,
"templateLanList": [
"language": {
"nameCn": "英语",
"nameEn": "English",
"code": "en"
"header": {
"type": 0,
"text": "New Zhengde supermarket"
"body": {
"type": 0,
"text": "The new Zhengde supermarket has started a crazy sale, all the products are {{#}}% off...",
"exampleParams": [
"footer": "Zhengde Business",
"status": "APPROVED",
"reason": "APPROVED"