Query Call Record List

Query call record list.
Request Parameters
Parameters Description Required Required
current Current page number, 1-N Yes Integer
size Number of displays per page,1-100 Yes Integer
params Paging parameters Yes JSONObject
startTime Query starting time, ISO8601 standard time format: 2022-01-01T00:00:00+08:00 Yes String
endTime Query starting time, ISO8601 standard time format: 2022-01-31T00:00:00+08:00 Yes String
voiceGroupId Agent group (agent group query returns voiceGroupId) No Integer
sipGroupName Agent group No String
seatId Agent id No List<Integer>
seatNameList Agent name list No List<String>
callType Call type 1-group call to agent, 2-incoming call, 3-outgoing call No List<Integer>
hangupReason Reasons for hanging up: 0-outgoing call not answered, 1-outgoing call hung up, 2-transfer ringing and hanging up, 3-transfer successful hanging up, 4-call failed, 5-called operator has no service, 6-called party is not in the service area, 7-called party is busy, 8-incoming call not answered, 9-incoming call hung up No List<Integer>
calledOrCaller Called or calling number No String
ccode Country code No List<String>
hangingDirection Hang up direction, 0-customer hangs up, 1-agent hangs up, 3-none No List<Integer>
labelNames Tag name No List<String>
Request Sample
Request URL:
Request Method:
Request Headers:
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
    Sign: 05d7a50893e22a5c4bb3216ae3396c7c
    Timestamp: 1630468800
    Api-Key: bDqJFiq9
Request Body:
        "startTime": "2025-01-08 00:00:00",
        "endTime": "2025-01-09 00:00:00",
        "voiceGroupId": 12
Response Parameters
Parameters Description Required
status status code,0 is successful. For other failures, please refer to the interface response code String
reason Failure reason description String
data collection of objects JSONArray
total Total number of records Integer
size Number of displays per page Integer
current Current page number Integer
pages Total page number Integer
records Data collection JSONArray
keyId Primary key id Integer
callSessionId Session id String
called Callee before encryption String
encryptCalled Encrypted callee String
calledInfo Called information String
caller caller String
region Country/Region String
seatName Agent name String
sipGroupName Agent group name String
voiceGroupId Agent group ID Integer
callDuration Call duration (unit seconds) Integer
callType Call type 1-group call transfer to agent Integer
hangupReason Reasons for hanging up: 0-outgoing call not answered, 1-outgoing call hung up, 2-transfer ringing and hanging up, 3-transfer successful hanging up, 4-call failed, 5-called operator has no service, 6-called party is not in the service area, 7-called party is busy, 8-incoming call not answered, 9-incoming call hung up Integer
hangupCode Sip code String
callStartTime Call start time DateTime
calledAnswerTime Called answer time DateTime
calledHangupTime Called hang-up time DateTime
voiceUrl Recording url String
voiceUrlList recording url List List<String>
createTime Creation time DateTime
updateTime Update Time DateTime
ccode Country code String
hangingDirection Hang up direction, 0-customer hangs up, 1-agent hangs up, 3-none Integer
labelName Tag name String
labelNameList Tag name Convert list List<String>
remark Remark String
callId Voice id String
brandId Brand Id Integer
brandName Brand name String
errorReason Error description String
ringDuration Ring duration Integer
mediaDetected Media detection String
Response Sample
    "status": 0,
    "reason": "success",
    "data": {
        "total": 1,
        "size": 50,
        "current": 1,
        "searchCount": true,
        "pages": 1,
        "records": [
                "keyId": 50180345,
                "callSessionId": "25010316113064799",
                "called": null,
                "encryptCalled": "8613242926514",
                "calledInfo": "{"calledInfo1":null,"calledInfo5":null,"calledInfo10":null,"calledInfo4":null,"calledInfo3":null,"calledInfo2":null,"calledInfo9":null,"calledInfo8":null,"calledInfo7":null,"calledInfo6":null}",
                "caller": "8613200000003",
                "region": null,
                "seatName": "seatName",
                "sipGroupName": "tele-basic-test",
                "callDuration": 47,
                "callType": 3,
                "hangupReason": 1,
                "hangupCode": "1",
                "callStartTime": "2025-01-03 16:10:39",
                "calledAnswerTime": "2025-01-03 16:10:43",
                "calledHangupTime": "2025-01-03 16:11:30",
                "voiceUrl": "agent-call-record-250103/25010316113064799.wav",
                "voiceUrlList": [
                "createTime": "2025-01-03 16:11:30",
                "updateTime": "2025-01-03 16:11:30",
                "ccode": "86(China)",
                "hangingDirection": 1,
                "labelName": "[]",
                "labelNameList": [],
                "remark": "11111",
                "callId": "250103161038410100100",
                "brandId": 101,
                "brandName": "ITNIO",
                "errorReason": "sucess call(200)",
                "ringDuration": 4,
                "mediaDetected": null
Response Status Code
status Description
0 Success
-1 Authentication error
-2 Authentication error
-16 Timestamp expires
-18 Port program unusual
-20 Data existing
-22 Parameter exception
-23 Data caps
-76 The search time interval cannot be greater than 93 days!