Billing Report Push
The callback address provided by the customer, through which the billing data is pushed back to the customer
Parameters | Description | Type |
appId | Application id | String |
businessPhone | Business number | String |
messageId | Message id | String |
channelType | Channel type: 0-WhatsApp, send 0 by default | Integer |
conversationId | Conversation id | String |
eventType | Event type: billing-event (billing event) | String |
expiresAt | Session expiration timestamp (second level) | Long |
conversationType | Dialogue type: authentication (authentication), marketing (marketing), utility (transaction-related), service (service), referral_conversion (free access point) | String |
billable | Whether billing: true- billing, false- no billing | Boolean |
currency | Currency: such as USD | String |
fee | Cost | String |
timestamp | Timestamp (second level) | Long |
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