Message Status Report Push


The callback address provided by the client, through which the message status is pushed back to the client

Push Parameters
Parameters Description Type
appId Application id String
channelType Channel type: 0-WhatsApp, send 0 by default Integer
messageId Message id String
eventType Event type: message-status-event (downlink message event) String
billable Whether billing: true- billing, false- no billing String
form Message sender number String
recipient Message recipient number String
status Message status:failed (failed to send), sent (sent), delivered (successfully sent), read (read), deleted (deleted) Integer
failure Failure reason (failed String
conversationId Conversation id (message status is:Sent, delivered only return String
expiresAt Conversation expiration timestamp (second level, message status issent Long
conversationType Dialog type: authentication (authentication), marketing (marketing), utility (transaction-related), service (service), referral_conversion (free access point) String
timestamp Push status timestamp (second level) Long